Google Account

Google Account

We use our “Google Drive Account” to store the surplus lists. Google Drive is an online storage system where we keep all of our files (Surplus Lists, Property Information Reports, Forms, etc).  We “Share” our online folders with your Google Account so that you can download the items. As long as you are logged in to the Google Account that you supplied to us during registration, once you click the links we provide on this website, you are able to download our files. When you go to, you can see the account that is logged in at the top right. Make sure you are logged in to your Google Account.

If you see this screenshot below, you are either trying to access the files with the incorrect Gmail/Google Account (many people have more than one Google Account) or we added the incorrect account for sharing and you need to contact us.

We are proud to have been a part in the success of the following Tax Deed Asset Recovery Specialists:


Nick Fullmer / Overage Syndicate

Nick was a client of ours for years and learned from us to the point where he took off to open and expand his own surplus training business. He has far surpassed what he learned from us and does a wonderful job on his own. We never started our business with the thought of training. We were always more about supplying the Surplus Lists, Property Information Reports and Lien Research. Where we leave off, Nick picks up and supplies a wonderful training program.

Black Swan Refunds

Truly an impressive success story. Ric Rooney first contacted us and joined our website in July of 2022. By the end of the 1st year, he grew his business enough to where they no longer needed us. He and his team became fully trained on every aspect from obtaining surplus lists and researching the liens on the properties to signing the clients. Of course, we are sad to lose any of our clients, but they certainly reached the goal we had in mind. Not everyone can reach their level so quickly, but they asked the right questions and were fully determined to learn it all, which they did.

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